[Python] pandas를 이용한 iis-ftp log 파싱Python/Python for Windows 2019. 9. 16. 21:09
python pandas를 이용한 iis-ftp log 파싱
#Fields: date time c-ip c-port cs-username s-sitename s-computername cs-host s-ip s-port cs-method
cs-uri-stem sc-status sc-win32-status sc-substatus sc-bytes cs-bytes time-taken x-session x-fullpath
import pandas as pd log_field = ['date', 'time', 'c-ip', 'c-port' , 'cs-username', 's-sitename', 's-computername', 'cs-host', 's-ip', 's-port', 'cs-method' ,'cs-uri-stem' ,'sc-status', 'sc-win32-status', 'sc-substatus', 'sc-bytes', 'cs-bytes', 'time-taken', 'x-session', 'x-fullpath', 'x-debug'] df = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=' ', comment='#', engine='python', names=log_field) print(df) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... ... ... ... 104519 2019-09-09 ... - 104520 2019-09-09 ... - 104521 2019-09-09 ... - 104522 2019-09-09 ... - 104523 2019-09-09 ... - [104524 rows x 21 columns]
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