[Python] Elasticsearch MonitoringElasticsearch 2018. 7. 22. 22:56
파이썬을 이용하여 Elasticsearch에 index 생성하고, 삭제하는 방법으로 모니터링 try: es = Elasticsearch(hosts=' ', port=' ') doc = ''' { "mappings": { "testindex": { "properties": { "msg": { "type": "keyword" } } } } }''' res = es.indices.create(index='testindex', body=doc) print('index create : %s' %res['acknowledged']) res = es.indices.delete(index='testindex') print('index delete : %s' %res['acknowledged']) except Excep..
[Elasticsearch] Numeric(숫자) Data TypesElasticsearch 2018. 7. 14. 22:18
DOCS : https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.2/number.html 구분 범위long A signed 64-bit integer with a minimum value of -263 and a maximum value of 263-1 integer A signed 32-bit integer with a minimum value of -231 and a maximum value of 231-1 short A signed 16-bit integer with a minimum value of -32,768 and a maximum value of 32,767 byte A signed 8-bit integer with a minimum va..
JDBC를 이용하여 logstash 연동 - MSSQLElasticsearch 2018. 7. 1. 22:17
1. MSSQL JDBC Driver download : https://docs.microsoft.com/ko-kr/sql/connect/jdbc/download-microsoft-jdbc-driver-for-sql-server?view=sql-server-2017 2. logstash.conf input { jdbc { jdbc_driver_library => "D:\logstash-6.3.0\logstash-6.3.0\bin\mssql-jdbc-6.4.0.jre8.jar" jdbc_driver_class => "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver" jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:sqlserver://Host|IP:1433;user..
Elasticsearch 설치 -Windows 2012Elasticsearch 2018. 6. 24. 21:30
1. Elasticsearch 오픈소스 다운로드 : https://www.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch-oss 2. 실행할 폴더에 압축을 푼다 3. config폴더에서 elasticsearch.yml 자신의 환경에 맞춰 파일수정 - node.name: 엘라스틱 노드 이름 - data, log 경로수정 - 네트워크로 연결하려면 network.host에 알맞은 IP입력. 로컬용은 localhost로 둔다. 4. elasticsearch.bat 실행